Clean every nook and cranny of your AC. If possible, we will open it and wash the filter. This will make your AC more efficient. Recommended doing at the beginning and end of the summer.
We might do if we have time but if you want to be sure the doors will be washed then please add that service.
Cleaning inside the fridge is included in your deep clean rate.
We might clean over the blinds with the Dry Swiffer anyway but you should request it if you want to be sure they will be dry dusted. If you want the blinds to be individually cleaned with paper towels and a cleaning product then you need to request it for extra charge. This is a very time consuming task and sometimes we need to send in an extra Angel just to clean the blinds.
We will remove the scuff marks with a magic eraser. We do not wash the wall. We have learned that NYC apartments have a thin layer of city dust on the walls. If this gets wet then it will leave behind dark streaks and make them worse. Only thing that helps is to dry dust them and then paint them.
You may not see it but this should be done at least once year. Due to a lot of grease in the air, dust will get sticky and will start smelling badly over time. We can also lay out a layer of paper towels to make future cleans a snap.
Some windows can be washed from outside too, we cannot climb out onto fire escape to wash windows from outside but will be glad to wash them by going on balconies.We can agree on flat rate for this service
You can add on an hour or two of organizing to get a pile of clothes folded or one closet organized. Email us for more details (pictures always help!).